
Signs of Jonah: Reading and Rereading in Ancient Yehud is unavailable, but you can change that!

Signs of Jonah emphasizes how the book of Jonah was received by its readers, and how it can help understanding of the culture and society of the time. Zvi focuses on how the audience would have read it, and even how they would have reread it, since books and stories are repeated and pondered time after time. He zeros in on indications throughout the text for how the text would have been read by...

to something. The (interpersonal) activities of reading, rereading and reading to others the book of Jonah contributed to the shaping of partially shared imagination that became intertwined with, and led to what was presented as the message of a prophetic book accepted by the community as authoritative and legitimate. Thus, imagination was channelled to serve an ideological or theological goal; namely, to bring the community’s attention to the book and through it to central and authoritative meta-narratives,
Pages 3–4